Brodie turns up allergic again..this time to nuts!?

Six days ago I had a reaction to political shenanigans that resulted in very irritating hives.  Done with that…But no…this morning my golden dog body had an allergic reaction to nuts…that’s right nuts…nuts baked into these political cakes we’ve been yelping about.

Totally my fault…totally…I went for the cake…just sitting there…snatched the political cake and who knew…there were nuts…so many different kinds and types of nut-cases in that cake that I needed a Benadryl.  Dogs are especially allergic to nuts and the only type of nut, according to Internet research that dogs can eat are Hazel Nuts. (But… avoid them as they can cause a dog to choke.) The nuts I consumed in that political cake had different proper names…no Hazel in there…but names familiar to you.

Be golden in your thoughts and don’t work the table and don’t “take the cake.”  Don’t expect disclaimers or warnings.


14 thoughts on “Brodie turns up allergic again..this time to nuts!?

  1. Brodie, political nuts are in abundant supply these days and seem to show up everywhere. Be careful what political satire you ingest, you have much to sweet a constitution.

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  2. Oh, my dear friend, Roz. You are so right…my dog self can’t take the backfire/indigestion…whatever comes from these political times. Be well my friend and stay away from political cakes.


  3. Oh dear Brodie! I am thinking politics is 100% nut cakes right now. Wait to partake of them until…..oh man, I don’t know what to tell you. The way it is looking no matter what happens we are in for nut cakes in abundance for a long while………

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