Golden Brodie looks at Holiday Trending

My golden self is about to celebrate my third Christmas…can’t wait.  Just noticing how the holiday season is ever-changing …evolving…

What’s in…Ugly Sweater Parties that include adults wearing outrageous footed pajamas…Bad Santa Parties that are close to the “Ugly” but perhaps a bit “Up” in “bad taste”…  It’s totally innocent seasonal fun wrapped around the colors of red & green, mixed with different levels of alcohol…laced with meatballs, wings and cheese trays… as well as record-setting numbers of selfies taken within these celebratory & innocuous 3-4 hours.

Santa Claus
How can Santa be bad?

What I want to know is…did the house dog get an outrageous sweater…perhaps a meatball or two…perhaps chilled water bowl while the “adults?!?” party down??

What have we learned here…Christmas Caroling is out. I’m just saying a golde…Ho! Ho! Ho!