The flow of two: royal cakeness

spring whispers into their cake

elderflowers protect and caress

from across The Pond

lemon celebrates love and sweet dreams

tasting and choosing together

the royal cakeness

Learn about the Royal Wedding Cake flavors and the meanings.





The flow of two: symbolic royal love and marriage

plucked long ago by a queen

a sprig of myrtle

Remains set in regal bouquets
symbolic of eternal love and marriage

two myrtle flowers
two myrtle flowers

English history tucked in small places
tiny lovely in queenly brides hands

fixed by tradition never thrown

left for the Unknown Warrior

Free verse by PamelaWLucas 5/15/18

Inspirational photo by Pinterest

Read about this amazing flower that hides in the bouquets of royal brides and where the bridal bouquet takes its rest.