The flow of two: reminder

Look into the day
who needs a boost
what did yesterday bring
why does one seem low-spirited
how to bring a heart focus

remember the tiny butterfly you spotted
Bring mindfulness
Look into the day together

Free Verse by PamelaWLucas 6/18/18

Inspirational photo by Tara McLaughlin 6/18

Photo of a Great Spangled Fritillary spotted in Charlottesville, VA.

Haiku: Evolving


Life cycle protects and saves

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

newly emerged Eastern Swallowtail
Newly emerged Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Haiku by PamelaWLucas 4/25/17

Photo provided by Kat DeYoung, Prescott, Arizona, 2017

Haiku: Nature’s tank

Oh horn of beauty

Nature’s tank on the landscape

Africa Asia

Haiku by PamelaWLucas 3/25/17

Photo compliments of Pixby

Become informed Save the rhino



Haiku: Celebrate the Natural World

Red Bellied Woodpecker scaling a tree
Red Bellied Woodpecker scaling a tree

Inching up the tree
A Red Bellied Woodpecker
Delightful vision

Haiku poem by PamelaWLucas 1/2/17

Red Bellied Woodpecker photographs by Facebook Friend, Tara McLaughlin, Charlottesville, VA