Brodie streaks through the 2nd floor of the “House”

Well…if you wanted to… you could do the same!  Being honest… I virtually ran through the living quarters of the first family on the second floor of the White House…I’m just obsessed with the transition of power…and the move-in…move-out of the “House of the People”.  So, I ran through that second floor like a golden streak, sniffing every corner and checking for crumbs.  Don’t miss this slice of history that I dug up for you…as we approach the 58th Presidential Inaugural.

My favorite retriever…canine moments were on the “Grand Staircase”…when I was ripping and tearing…skittering on those marvelously carpeted marble steps…I was in awe of the impressive list of folks that have taken those stairs.  I took pause…ok… little golden humor :).