Brodie digs “Fireside Chats”

Ears up!.. how have past presidents of the United States chosen to communicate with their people? It’s an ever-changing process that evolved..Abe Lincoln (16) had an open door…people lined up outside of the White House and he spoke directly to them…there was no radio…no telephone…just face time and letters…a slow way…but yet effective.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt (32) communicated through weekly “Fireside Chat” broadcasts over home radios..television was coming and not everyone had a home phone… cell phones didn’t exist or e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on.  So, you gotta listen to FDR and one of his radio chats.  Thousands listened weekly each Sunday to FDR’s broadcast. Picture peeps huddled close to their radio…picture the family dog…ok and the family cat…all sitting in due reverence…carefully listening to each word of their president.  Makes me want to build a fire…a golden fire.


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