Brodie admits his increasing golden incertitude

Today became the “pay for play” topic by newspapers, Twitter, Facebook, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, BBC and the beat goes on..for the D Lady.  Today also became filled with reports of the Secret Service speaking about intentions to incite and encouragement of violence against the D presidential nominee…brought on by Mr. T.  Both sides strongly denied these accusations.  Time for some golden thoughts.

I have many play dates.  My humans arrange these fun times for me.  Some of these romps are impromptu, with neighbor dogs…sometimes I get to go to friends houses with fenced backyards and we dogs just run our guts out.  Other times, my people pay for my play…they arrange with my dog-sitters for me to play with other dogs…maybe dogs that I don’t know…but the humans set-up the romp based on our age, gender, habits and social skills…I have met some great dogs through “pay for play.”  I’m sure lucky that my caring humans have the money and the time to arrange these events.  I get that some dogs have no idea about these perks…they are lucky to get a safe walk and food.  My golden appreciative self wishes all dogs lived with my advantages…but I know that is only a dream in my dog mind.

In closing, I’m a golden who sees through lenses that are typically rosy and happy, so I can not even comment on this Mr. T stuff about encouraging violence…especially if intentional?!!  I can’t compare anything in my life that identifies with hurting others.  I’ll leave it…I know that works for me…when I have to leave it.