Brodie looks up for the HDD Drone

Acronyms are part of our world…so go retrieve this one that I created…HDD Drone..Hot Dog Delivery Drone…yeah Oscar Mayer Wiener is working on dropping you a dog…get on with yourself…watch this video and be sure to wait for the Wienerdrone…

Fireworks in blue and green tones

Remember safety first as you celebrate the coming 4th of July!

Haiku: A-choo!

The Common sneezeweed
Attracts bees and butterflies
Large showy flowers

Golden petals and red head Common sneezeweed
Golden petals and red headed Common sneezeweed

Haiku poem by PamelaWLucas 6/29/17

Inspirational photo of yellow sneezeweed by Veronica Sanchez 6/17

Red Common sneezeweed compliments of Pixabay

Allergy sufferers need not worry about being around sneezeweed.  Interesting that this flower has a history of use when crushed to make a form of snuff that caused sneezing. Fascinating!  Legend also says that these flowers sprang from the ground where Helen of Troy’s tears fell.


Haiku: The mammoth Cecropia Moth

7 inch wingspan

Short adult life for mating

Wonder of nature

The largest moth on the North American continent. This amazing creature displays incredible color in all stages of its life. Hope you see one some evening.

Photo compliments of Pixabay



Dogs and ice cream…Golden Brodie gives the scoop

Hey, it’s summer and I need to keep my dog self cool…so there’s nothing like seeing a small scoop of Dog Paws ice cream hit my dog bowl. Talk about disappearing…I can get that gone real quick.
But seriously…some dogs can eat ice cream…just gotta do your homework.  Another cool treat is frozen blueberries…man those little things are heavenly. Stay cool and Dog Paws Up!


Photo credit:



Stay your path…

Mindfulness through a lens

“As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.”
– Henry David Thoreau

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Golden Brodie barks: Amelia, where are you?

Dogs…that’s right…four border collies trained in finding long-buried bones are sniffing out the discovery of a life time…an answer to whatever happened to Amelia Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan?

remote beach in the Pacific
remote beach in the Pacific

Well…the four are searching… wearing booties to protect their paws from 80 degree ground temperatures, hundreds of thousands of coconut crabs and sharp volcanic rock fragments.  Sound like fun?  Yeah, these well-trained dogs are doing their job and going for the find of their dog lives.

These dogs can hunt!  Seriously…hoping they find the remaining bones of Amelia so we can put her to rest in our hearts and minds…that would be a golden moment for all.

Dog’s about blood…

Here I am…a golden retriever…learning so much…but never enough.  Well, I just found out that I have only a limited number of years…that’s right six or less years to donate my blood…yeah…my dog blood.  Who knew?!

I have also learned that human blood banks go to all time lows during the summer months...yeah the beach…the mountains…the vacation time…ya’ll forget during this time to donate…hey…it happens.  Just consider giving some blood before the running around fun time sets in.  So, lay down and give…Now that’s a golden good thought!

A big thanks to Huffington Post for this informative post and touching video.